Snoozing Pull Requests
Snooze pull requests you want to tackle later to keep your inbox actionable. They'll automatically resurface when it's time.
Using the action menu on the right, any pull request in your Needs Attention list can be "snoozed," it will be temporarily removed from the list. You can choose to snooze pull requests until there's new activity on them (such as a new commit or comments that need your attention) or until any arbitrary time in the future you specify. To snooze a pull request, start by clicking the "Snooze" option in the pull request action menu, which will open additional options to choose from.

Snoozing Until New Activity
If you choose to snooze a pull request until there's new activity, it will be removed from your Needs Attention list until new activity is detected. New activity includes commits to the head branch, new reviews, or new comments. When new activity is detected, the pull request is automatically un-snoozed and will reappear in your Needs Attention list.

Snoozing Until a Specified Date/Time
You also have the option to snooze a pull request until a specified date and time in the future. To do so, simply provide any human-readable date & time in the future, such as "tmrw", "3pm", or "Thursday," and we'll provide specific options to choose from. Select the appropriate option, and your pull request is now snoozed until that time. It won't reappear in your Needs Attention list until then, even if there is new activity.

Viewing Snoozed Pull Requests
Once snoozed, pull requests are removed from your Needs Attention list until the specified conditions are met, at which point they will reappear in your Needs Attention list automatically. Snoozed pull requests will still appear in your Incoming and Outgoing lists but will have a snoozed icon next to them. Hover over the snoozed icon to see the details of when it's snoozed until.

To un-snooze a pull request before the snooze conditions are met, locate it in your Incoming or Outgoing list and open the action menu for the pull request. You can also use the search box at the top of the inbox to find the pull request if preferred. Once located, select the "Un-snooze" action, and the pull request will return to your Needs Attention list if it needs your attention.