Blocking Issues
One key feature of CodePeer is the ability to create a blocking discussion assignment. As a reviewer, when you identify an issue in a PR, you must assign the issue to someone to fix it. This is often the PR author, but occasionally could be another user.
Blocking Issues
Once you create the blocking issue and assign it to a participant to fix, it will increase their assignment count and it will increase the total count of blocking issues in the pull request (seen as the big red count at the top of pull requests and in the list). This is helpful for everyone to understand how many issues there currently are with a pull request, and how many items an individual user needs to fix.

Requesting Resolution
When your assigned to a blocking issue, you have a few options.
- You may think it's not an issue and reply back to the participant who created it telling them so.
- You may agree and decide to fix the issue.
In both cases, when you're ready, you can request resolution of the issue. This is your way of indicating you think the issue is resolved and is no longer part of your turn. When you request resolution of the issue, assignment is transferred back to the blocking participant who created the issue, removing it from your plate and putting it on theirs. This would make it their turn to act in the pull request (if they didn't have outstanding tasks to address already) and potentially remove it from your turn (if that was the last task on your plate).

Resolving or Declining
When resolution is requested of a blocking participant, they are given the option to either “Resolve” the issue, thereby removing the blocking status, or “Decline” the resolution request, leaving the issue blocking and reassigning it back to another participant to fix, often the pr author.