Pull Request Inbox
CodePeer's unified pull request inbox is intelligently designed to highlight pull requests requiring your attention, showcase your workload, and estimate your time. Everything is streamlined to drive you towards pull request zero.

Your pull request inbox is subdivided into 3 sections by default, which are outlined below.
Needs Attention
Pull requests where it is your turn to act appear in the Needs Attention list. Think of this as your pull request to-do list. Thanks to our advanced turn tracking capabilities, we're able to showcase exactly which pull requests are waiting on you and what you need to do to complete the pull request.
Incoming Pull Requests
All pull requests you've been assigned to review appear in your incoming list. This is a comprehensive list that includes both pull requests where it's your turn to act and pull requests that are waiting on others.
Outgoing Pull Requests
All pull requests you've authored will appear in your outgoing list. This is a comprehensive list that includes both pull requests where it's your turn to act and pull requests that are waiting on others.
Individual Pull Request Details
The information shown for each pull request is optimized to easily scan and see the status of the pull request, who it's waiting on, and what each participant has left to do.

- Status
The status of the pull request leads the way as a brightly colored indicator. Work toward pull request approval and a green status.
- Draft / Pending Review (Grey) - the pull request is awaiting it's first review.
- In Review (Orange) - the pull request has been reviewed, and while it doesn't have any changes requested at this point, it has not yet been approved.
- Changes Requested (Red) - one or more reviewers on the pull request has requested changes before approval.
- Approved (Green) - the pull request has been approved by the required reviewers and has no outstanding blocking issues.
- Participants
All pull request participants, including the author(s), are showcased for each pull request. Authors are to the left and separated from reviewers with a dotted vertical line. If an author is also a reviewer, they will show up as both the author and a reviewer.
You can mouse over any participant to see where they're currently at in the pull request and what work they have remaining. Their status is indicated by the outline of their avatar.
- Who's Turn
You can quickly see who's turn it is to act by the highlight on each participant. Full color participants have outstanding actions to take, and faded / greyed out participants have completed all their necessary tasks.
You can learn more about turn tracking here.